Along Came Galileo

Along Came Galileo

by Jeanne Bendick
Trade Paperback, 95 pages
List Price: $13.95 Sale Price: $11.86

Historical Setting: 16th through 17th centuries

Beautiful Feet commissioned Jeanne (author of over 50 books) to write a children's book about Galileo in similar fashion to her other noted biography, Archimedes and the Door of Science. This resulted in an insightful and delightful look into the life of a courageous man of faith and science to the delight of many readers. It was Galileo's questioning mind and insatiable curiosity which drove him to many breakthroughs in astronomy, physics, mechanics and the natural world. His many discoveries and inventions challenged and eventually changed 'the accepted way of thinking' in these fields of thought. Sadly, Galileo was far ahead of his time, and he suffered much injustice for daring to speak those things he knew to be true. Learn all about this remarkable figure in this book packed with many of the author's original pen drawings, pictures and illustrations.

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