All-of-a-Kind Family Uptown

All-of-a-Kind Family Uptown

All-of-a-Kind Family Series #4
by Sydney Taylor, Mary Stevens (illustrator)
©1958, Item: 89856
Hardcover, 160 pages
Used Price: $27.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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This new All-of-a-Kind Family story opens with one of the funniest scenes in the book- the five girls and little brother Charlie eating someone else's supper in the wrong apartment.

There are other amusing and happy incidents, and there are some sad ones too. When Mama goes to the hospital for an emergency operation, Ella takes on the responsibility for the family. But all the girls share in the work and make it fun. Mrs. Healy and Grace, their Irish neighbors, help to make things easier, and Grace and Ella become good friends.

Mama's family is growing up. Henny attends her first boy-girl party; Sarah is graduating from elementary school; and Ella's friendship with Jules develops into a romance.

When the United States enters World War I, Jules enlists in the army. There are long months of worry and waiting for Ella and the whole family. But in the end, the joyful day comes when they watch the soldiers march in the Victory Parade.

from the dust jacket

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