After the Dancing Days

After the Dancing Days

by Margaret I. Rostkowski
Publisher: HarperTrophy
Mass market paperback, 217 pages
List Price: $5.99 Sale Price: $5.09
Used Price: $3.20 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

Is War A Thing To Be Forgotten? That's what Annie's mother would like to do. She wants to forget the pain and heartache—and to keep it away from Annie, too. But Annie cannot forget the death of her favorite uncle, who was killed in France. She cannot forget Andrew, the angry young veteran she meets at the hospital where her father works. Can Annie find the courage to help Andrew? And will she ever be able to make sense of a war that took so much from so many? Drawn to the Kansas hospital where her father cares for wounded World War One veterans, Annie meets Andrew, a disfigured young soldier. As Annie helps Andrew slowly adjust to his wounds, she also faces devastating truths about war and the complex world of adulthood. ‘A girl on the brink of womanhood comes to terms with the brutal aftereffects of war in an absorbing novel.'

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