Abe Lincoln Grows Up

Abe Lincoln Grows Up

by Carl Sandburg, James Daugherty (Illustrator)
Publisher: Graphia
Trade Paperback, 222 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79
Used Price: $4.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: America, early 19th Century

A redesigned issue of the beautifully told story of young Abe Lincoln, drawn from the early chapters of Carl Sandburg's original biography, Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years. Black-and-white illustrations by James Daugherty.

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Summary: Poet Carl Sandburg describes the early life of Abraham Lincoln in beautiful, if mythologized, prose.

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  Boring Book
Nathan McKinney of Ohio, 6/14/2016
I had to read this for school, and I would not recommend this book for anybody. It was horrible because it had no action and it was so boring. I have read other books about Abe Lincoln which I did enjoy.
  A Child's Introduction to Lincoln
Sincerelyornot of Oregon, 6/22/2011
An obvious but easily missed fact of childhood: famous people were once children too. Learning about the US presidents can get a little intellectual. Seeing how one grew up, from a kid like me into someone who has more books written about him than I'd read by fourth grade... that made him real to me.

Focus: The pre-presidency Abe Lincoln, how he grew up, who influenced him, and what kind of life he led. His presidency gets less than a paragraph, which means that the most influential

Bonus points for: Large print for younger readers, and for avoiding the more historically controversial aspects of Abe's presidency (for which, lets face it, you need at least a high school vocabulary).